Conversation Between emaxfromnyc and locknuts27
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. locknuts27
    05-22-2012 05:53 PM
    Did you hook it up?
  2. locknuts27
    05-07-2012 07:54 PM
    Yo man! It is a straight and easy install! Personally, I think you will like the sound of the your deck! Like I said, holla at me if you have any questions.
  3. emaxfromnyc
    04-30-2012 11:59 AM
    I am following up on a post you have regarding replacing the head unit. I have a 2001 I30. I would like to keep the speakers and only replace the head unit. The unit I have decided on is a Clarion FZ502. What would be the best way to go?

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