Conversation Between KillaKam and gtmassive75
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. KillaKam
    09-05-2010 12:47 PM
    Alright man you got it.. I already had one person say that they wanted to exhaust so I will send him and offer if I decide to sell my car and then if you beat him (pretty much an auction) then its all yours... Ya I forgot what your last name is and you didn't have any pix so I wasn't sure who it was haha but I sent you a friend request back not sure if you accepted it yet.
  2. gtmassive75
    09-05-2010 11:26 AM
    Hey man..sorry to hear u thinking about trading the MAX...didn't know u had all those issues b4..Well if u decided to trade it...keep me in mind, I will take the BORLA and the intake...that was me send you the request on F/B..


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