Conversation Between exsjulio and InfiniwhiptinitiII
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. InfiniwhiptinitiII
    08-10-2010 08:19 AM
    hey man how re ya thnks for the parts. uhmm due to their late arrival bc of the usps (jerks) i sorta like cut this guy off and the cop decided to pull me over so i tyell him, hey my brakes just went and it was EITHER HIT THE VAN OR CUT IT OFF so i did the obvious. he gve me 20 dollar citation for "failure to use care while stopping" which is dumb cause ill be paying that 20 bucks monthly for like 2 yeARS so im fighting it and id just love anything from you that could constitute receipt or invoice. just showingmaybe ur paypal account name the items sold and the price?

    id be deeply appreciative if you could find the time to do that itd meaan lots to me

    thnks gain either way

  2. InfiniwhiptinitiII
    06-28-2010 01:50 PM
    You haven't heard anything about those rotors have you?

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