Conversation Between 96nismoSE and ohitzme
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. 96nismoSE
    09-18-2009 04:43 AM
    Haha northern part of the cities. In the andover area.
  2. ohitzme
    09-17-2009 08:30 PM
    Ha yup thats my neck of the woods. How about you?
  3. 96nismoSE
    09-17-2009 09:04 AM
    yeah southern part of the cities. been there a few times.
  4. ohitzme
    09-17-2009 06:11 AM
    lakeville rosemount in that area
    You know of it?
  5. 96nismoSE
    09-12-2009 06:26 AM
    Where you at in MN?

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