Conversation Between Xfactor22 and mayur914
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. mayur914
    02-21-2011 10:26 AM
    ohh ok haha what kind are they and what settings do you have them on? cuz i have 15" stock rims on my car still so i don't think im going to go very low on my car.
  2. Xfactor22
    02-21-2011 10:08 AM
    I would take $300 for everything, including front strut mount and new boots and the works. unfortunately they are still installed on my car and would need a replacement for the meantime. lol
  3. mayur914
    02-21-2011 09:58 AM
    How much do you want for your suspension?? haha

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