Conversation Between arcueda and ZGadson
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. arcueda
    02-15-2010 06:54 AM
    oh ya...ur cars verry sexy
  2. arcueda
    02-15-2010 06:54 AM
    it was installed when i got the car, handles good and alot of ppl will tell you its a great handling about 90% you would feel the difference, especially with a rsb which i have yet to get. now i only have a generic brand one to i believe...maybe even oem, is there a difference between that and an oh say stillen or custommaxima one.all in all, id deff recomend one.hope this helps
  3. ZGadson
    02-15-2010 05:10 AM
    Was looking at your picts earlier. Very sexy car. Was also wondering if you have a noticeable improvement in handling with your tower brace.

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