Conversation Between Niccos89 and Infam0usMax
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. Infam0usMax
    05-21-2009 10:10 PM
    oh ok kool i didnt think about dye at all but i wanna change everything inside it to black and white but this is something that will help me with a good update. thankx again
  2. Niccos89
    05-21-2009 10:37 AM
    Hey bud, regarding that comment you left on my pic:
    That was nothing flash, get 2 cans of flat finish black paint...well it was closer to a dye than paint, spray it a couple of times, between each run, wipe it with a paper towel or something, to even it out, and so it doesnt build up in clumps.
    It took me half a day to remove all 6 pillars + roof lining (be super carefull with roof lining), dye them, air them out and put them back in.

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