Conversation Between rex3001 and bigpimpen092
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. bigpimpen092
    02-12-2009 08:07 PM
    Yeahh man ur car looks good Ill be on the roof tomorrow
  2. rex3001
    02-12-2009 07:04 PM
    drop into this thread and check out who else has a maxima ...
  3. rex3001
    02-12-2009 07:00 PM
    umm its either me or maxfanatik... ours pretty much looks the same except he has muranos.... you can tell it's me by looking at my trunk, i have no keyhole.

    glad to see you're on here =)
  4. bigpimpen092
    02-12-2009 02:44 PM
    Whats up bro, got your note on my windshield after class today. Was that you with the dropped black maxima with the exhaust or is that someone else with another black maxima?

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