Conversation Between showdown and max21
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. showdown
    06-04-2010 06:49 AM
    thanks dude i appreciate it alot. i got my g35 wheels from a dude in new hampshire...even trade for an xbox 360...lmao...and im a ps3 guy so it was a no brainer...the tire size are 225 35, and im lowered on tein stechs with kyb agx struts...nice clean sporty ride
  2. max21
    06-04-2010 05:41 AM
    Hands down one of the best 4th gens. Where did u get your g35 18" 7 spokes? Tire size? And how low did you go? Thanks, keep up the good work

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