Conversation Between danmack34 and phoboi2006
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. danmack34
    02-05-2010 09:41 AM
    send me a link to your facebook. its easyer to communicate thru there or look me up on facebook and add me names "Dan Mack:" lol like the user name. but alas its when you have your parking lights on with your fogs it also enabled you to have your high beams on with your fogs
  2. phoboi2006
    02-05-2010 06:20 AM
    hey you mean getting a set of halo fog lamp for my fog lights? or do you mean turning it on with the headlight look better..kinda confused about the comment..but yeah please help me out..i want my max to look at least " okay " at the maxus show

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