Conversation Between danmack34 and Nrw
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. danmack34
    08-11-2011 08:33 AM
    hey hey and guess what else i got! not gonna give you a chance to guess but i got me the Altima SE-R Brakes ^-^ 150 shipped with rotors and pads
  2. Nrw
    08-11-2011 05:33 AM
    ok that I'll allow
  3. danmack34
    08-10-2011 10:48 PM
    Just bought stillen rear lips! So the ionic rears are going away
  4. Nrw
    08-10-2011 06:53 PM
    Dude, the car is looking proper now. DON'T CHANGE IT!

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