Conversation Between tibal and Nexus67
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. Nexus67
    12-19-2009 06:35 PM
    Yeah the maxima ones may be heavier. I may just get rid of my 6th gen wheels and hold out for some G35 wheels...or 350z's lol.
  2. tibal
    12-19-2009 06:21 PM
    thanks man, i actually have 350Zs which are a little bit different than the maximas. Anywho tho they arent too heavy, and doesnt realy change anything for me. Def not a track wheel, but for daily driving during the spring and summer they work great.
  3. Nexus67
    12-19-2009 06:12 PM
    That's a nice Max. I have a 2000 as well, do those 6th gen wheels seem heavy to you? I'm a little fearful to pull the trigger putting them on my ride full time. They seemed heavy when I tried them on, but they look good on your Max lol. Making me think about it

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