Conversation Between hot_wax_tree and CMax03
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. hot_wax_tree
    11-22-2009 03:51 PM
    The reason I would do 8k or 15k on the fogs is cause I want a different color in the fogs so basically what do you think would look coolest? bluish or pinkish?
  2. hot_wax_tree
    11-20-2009 10:18 PM
    Cool I was thinking 6k head lights and either 15k fogs or 8k fogs. what do you think?
  3. CMax03
    11-20-2009 08:03 PM
    The fogs and headlight are 8000K which I like cause of the slight blue tint. Actually 6000K is brighter and more intense....
  4. hot_wax_tree
    11-19-2009 11:24 PM
    what do you have of HID temps in your fogs and head lights? and when you post back click on my profile name then post on my visitor messages board(you may know that but I get it way to often that people post on there VM board


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