Conversation Between Quickywd01 and Maximus prime2
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. Maximus prime2
    12-20-2012 05:34 AM
    Dude I need your help to get my car running on the street again. Hit up my cell please
  2. Quickywd01
    11-29-2012 10:14 PM
    Sorry, VQ30. But LMK what you need help with and I'll try to help you.
  3. Maximus prime2
    11-29-2012 05:42 AM
    Yo do u have a 3.5 swapped 4th gen ? If u do hit up my cell , need your help. 973 349 8732 , I see u know nj3ndri lol , that's my nigga.

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