Conversation Between Graem and StevieB
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. StevieB
    12-12-2009 10:35 AM
    Graem, replied to your query re ABS sensor. I ordered from the vendor you linked to, sensor was perfect. One note-the sensor hole corrodes, and u will probably need to clean out some rust before the new sensor will fit in. I used a Dremel to clean it out, and also trimmed the plastic ring on the sensor.I cleaned/trimmed just enough for the sensor to be a tight fit in the hole, and so didn't need to drill out the broken mounting bolt (%$#@**&!!!) to secure it, just added a little RTV to "glue" it in place. If you order from automartin, ask him to identify the package as a gift...I avoided taxes and any applicable duty.

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