Conversation Between MillionBlades and Ghost_54
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. Ghost_54
    08-26-2009 07:42 AM
    All I did was swap the bulbs, as I wanted a cleaner brighter white ... there is no extra wiring just pop out the old and put in the new
  2. MillionBlades
    08-26-2009 07:09 AM
    quick question: its about your HID Plazma Xenon Fogs...

    I know that the stock fog light bulbs are 12V 55W... and from your post you bought the 100Watt... so did u have to rewire them or did u buy a kit? or can u use 100W in a 55W????since it says on the box in japanese 12V 60/55 >>130/100W

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