Conversation Between emdot and colombian4u_61
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. colombian4u_61
    11-05-2009 09:43 PM
    thanks a lot man, means a lot to me... tomorrow morning I plan to visit some junkyards to get some of the parts I need, there's no way I'm going back to auto... and dammmmmmn bro how hard was it to supercharged a vq35?? your like the 2nd person that's ever try it, and your car is stick... props to you my friend
  2. emdot
    11-05-2009 04:19 PM
    thanks man. As far as your situation, the only person that comes to mind that could help you out is a member on here, accordingtoyou. i'd pm him and ask him for some help. Good luck with everything!
  3. colombian4u_61
    11-05-2009 12:08 PM
    wassup buddy... I've seen your car so many times man, I love what you've done to it nice job man... I got a 2k Auto Max and its driven me nuts... im on my 2nd tranny and is close to braking down... I'm planning to do a 5spd swap but dont really know anybody that can take on the job in philly... do you know of anybody?? thanks in advanced

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