Conversation Between max_dreamer and Haishun Boi Max
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. Haishun Boi Max
    02-02-2011 07:56 PM
    yeah, i found it in the classified on the org,

    I should be picking it up at the end of the month when I go on R&R
  2. max_dreamer
    02-02-2011 04:47 PM
    pretty good man. cept my tires... the front ones are almost bald from this frigin ice storm... burnt through most my tread in 2 days. kept getting stuck. but otherwise been great! you already found the black one?
  3. Haishun Boi Max
    02-01-2011 09:45 AM
    Hows it goin? How is the Max holdin up? I decided to let the white one go I am gettin a black 97.

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