Conversation Between turbizzy and royis40
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. royis40
    08-01-2010 07:24 PM
    wow, i read alot of threads on the whinning noise in the maxima. I have a 2005 se that has had that noise off and on for the last 50k. It now has 84k and is becoming more prominent. ther is also a tick coming from that side sometimes. 6 out of 10 times i drive it. I am by no means a hard driver and it does have a lot of highway miles. I have noticed that it is not here all of the time so I am kind of leaning toward belts and or the tensioner. any advice or direction would be deeply appreciated. I am also not a bad mechanic myself so I could probably do the work if I could find a good manual? all the ones I have found a very vague. Once again any thoughts would be appreciated.

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