Conversation Between Revs2Hard and essential1
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. Revs2Hard
    02-11-2010 06:00 PM
    Ya, there a great company that builds wheels for alot of companys people do not realize. If you look at axis wheels and then there EXE line up, those are all built by MRR. If you had the money you could call them pick out a bunch of wheels they make, design a center cap and you would have your own wheel line that they build for you by order. They offered us to do that :-)
  2. essential1
    02-10-2010 05:36 PM
    wow. Thats news to me. thanks for the info
  3. Revs2Hard
    02-10-2010 05:03 PM
    Ha Ha tenzo R wheels are made by MRR, I know cuz i work for a MRR dealer.
  4. Revs2Hard
    02-09-2010 11:31 AM
    You have the green I35 right?
  5. Revs2Hard
    02-08-2010 09:21 PM
    What size and offset are your MRR's? Oh and your cars stance is pure sex.

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