Conversation Between ThurzNite and MaxStorm
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
  1. MaxStorm
    05-13-2009 08:10 PM
    hey, hun!
  2. ThurzNite
    05-13-2009 08:09 PM
    DooBee DooBee Dooo!
    Dr J
  3. MaxStorm
    12-21-2008 02:52 PM
    glad you have better luck than i do
  4. ThurzNite
    12-21-2008 09:45 AM
    I bought my car on CL, took me 3 months of searching. I tried selling on it, but I think I was asking too much. I just moved to Sacramento, and found a room for rent on CL, so happy about it, my housemate is awesome. Never tried dating through CL though, haha.
  5. MaxStorm
    12-20-2008 11:37 PM
    i went on craigslist, but i am never satisfied with that place...dunno why...
  6. ThurzNite
    12-20-2008 11:34 PM
    My bro has 1, base model w/floor mats and lip spoiler. It's a decent basic car with lotsa modding potential.
    Where to get one? They're dirt cheap on craigslist! I would pick 1 up for a 2nd car maybe.
  7. MaxStorm
    12-20-2008 09:26 PM
    where???? i wantz one...
  8. ThurzNite
    12-20-2008 09:08 PM
    Scion tC!
  9. MaxStorm
    12-20-2008 08:46 PM
    yur welcome
  10. ThurzNite
    12-20-2008 04:34 PM
    Thanx dood!

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