Conversation Between geoffc and KRRZ350
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. geoffc
    12-16-2008 11:20 AM
    My first fox was a 4 eyed also. What are your plans with it?
  2. KRRZ350
    12-15-2008 07:37 PM
    WOW, what are the odd's there is ANOTHER member with a 2005 se-r and a fox-body GT, damn.
  3. KRRZ350
    12-15-2008 06:14 PM
    haha, I've seen your album/car before, having a thing for fox-bodies it's always caught my eye. Well I just opened the forums and noticed it at the top & was like "wait a second! That's a '87'ish GT I bet it's Robert!

    Check out my $350 beast

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