Conversation Between MetaOrbit and Cajvpetan
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. Cajvpetan
    03-24-2011 07:04 PM
    Hey I can see you're very busy but I am running out of places to search... Every search I do tells me "everyone has done this engine swap before, search around".. Yet I am still to find one who has done it successfully.....

    I got a 2001 Infiniti I30, Black (i know irrelevant) and the engine was leaking oil.. I would like to swap the engine out for the same engine... no mods and no additional requests. I have never worked on cars but this is my baby and I cannot see it go. I will get it professionally done with money not being much of an issue. I am begging you to please help me. I am willing to do whatever it takes including compensating you for you time. Thanks for reading

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