Conversation Between tcaughey and MoncefA33
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. MoncefA33
    11-04-2009 08:59 PM
    Dude. That's me.

    I have the grey lustre AE. Parked in towers at ISU.

    Thats tight dude, I didn't think anybody knew what was up here, lol. I'd like to check yours out sometime.
  2. tcaughey
    11-04-2009 08:48 PM
    Hey man, thanks! You don't happen to live in Ames do you? And park your Grey Lustre AE in the Towers parking lot at Iowa State, do you? If so, I see it every day going to class at ISU. If not, then someone else has a pretty nice AE. Haha
  3. MoncefA33
    10-28-2009 06:24 AM
    Hey man, nice AE! I'm in IA too

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