Conversation Between amomaxima and Bigmike73
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
  1. Bigmike73
    05-09-2009 10:24 PM
    Is bottoming out a problem? Is it something i need to be extra careful about?
  2. amomaxima
    05-09-2009 06:55 AM
    maxxspeed or progress gives the most comfortable low drop
    get a strut tower brace and it should help as well
  3. Bigmike73
    05-08-2009 07:55 PM
    I really just want the better turning.
  4. Bigmike73
    05-08-2009 07:54 PM
    my car feels like it sits too high. The roads arent good enough to have it much lower. Also my car is a four door. Alot of times i am hauling around ppl.
  5. amomaxima
    05-07-2009 08:40 PM
    depends where you are located, how are the roads, how extreme do you want to be, how many people do you like in the car
    if you want coilovers, the BCs i have are awesome but if you want springs, progress with GR2 or Blues is a great option
  6. Bigmike73
    05-07-2009 08:36 PM
    I wana lower my 95'. Any imput or info i should now?

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