Conversation Between chernmax and KiloxMoto
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. chernmax
    12-12-2011 07:29 AM
    For spoilers try Ebay motors, just do a search for Nissan Maxima spoilers. On a side note since most SL's don't have spoilers I would consider getting a Maxima 07 spoiler (yes it fits and 04) and will look awesome!!! My spoiler is from a 2005 G-35. Again just do a search on ebay motors, all kinds of great deals!
  2. KiloxMoto
    12-11-2011 11:33 AM
    hey Chernmax, I saw your seafoam video on youtube. It was very helpful! I just got an '04 6th gen SL (which i'm looking to modify) and I was wondering if you know of any good places to buy a nice spoiler. I don't want anything too crazy, I noticed you have a really cool spoiler on your SE. Any suggestions?

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