Conversation Between IlyaK and InfiniwhiptinitiII
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. InfiniwhiptinitiII
    12-05-2009 01:52 PM
    yeah since then i have. looks real nice and it looks pretty straight forward, its just making sure that i get nothing inside the light that bothers me but i just got tl projectors on ebay so well see how this goes
  2. IlyaK
    11-30-2009 11:36 PM
    It's called a projector retrofit. A few members on here do them. Use the search feature and you'll find plenty of information on it.
  3. InfiniwhiptinitiII
    11-30-2009 05:29 PM
    hey uhhhh i bet you get this a lot but how did you get tl projector in ur maxima? i want it!

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