Conversation Between ImmaSquashYou and MaxStorm
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
  1. MaxStorm
    04-04-2010 03:53 PM
    yes!!! i am!
  2. ImmaSquashYou
    04-01-2010 10:00 PM
    are you ever on here anymore??
  3. ImmaSquashYou
    04-28-2009 08:38 AM
    you're right....i wish mine name was cardbo...-= \
  4. MaxStorm
    04-28-2009 08:37 AM
    youre just jealous of our LOVE!!!!!
  5. ImmaSquashYou
    04-28-2009 07:57 AM
    cardbo killer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. MaxStorm
    04-27-2009 10:37 PM
    i would accidently kill him from hugging him...
  7. ImmaSquashYou
    04-27-2009 10:30 PM
    he is pretty darn awesome. Imagine actually having a pet like that though??? bet you couldn't walk him in the rain!
  8. MaxStorm
    04-27-2009 01:21 PM
    his name is Cardbo, and hes just cute
  9. ImmaSquashYou
    04-27-2009 07:55 AM
    hi!!!!!! and whose in your profile pic?
  10. MaxStorm
    04-24-2009 10:34 PM

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