Conversation Between Metal Maxima and PrinceOfPal
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. PrinceOfPal
    10-02-2011 02:23 AM
    Hey Metal Maxima

    I have a little problem and I was wondering if you can help me.

    I drive a 01 SE AE Maxima and some of the lights are out.

    My friend has the same exact maxima and I got his cluster before he scrapped it.

    I changed the lights at the back to plug and play leds. I just want to know how to actually light up the cluster without plugging it in to the car. Like I do have a spare battery in my garage to test it with and some wires to run from battery to cluster, but where do i connect the wires to the cluster?

    I want everything to light up too, for example: my traction control, battery, engine light. I just want to make sure all the lights are working before I plug it to the car.

    If you could PM and help me by taking a picture and showing me, that would be much appreciate it.

    Thanx a lot.

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