Conversation Between 2kayznmaxima and Propa Teknique
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  1. Propa Teknique
    01-29-2010 12:38 PM

    I noticed on a thread a while back you had commented that you had owned the Feera SS595 tires. I know you had a different size than my stock tires which are 245-45-18 but I had just wanted to ask you what was your experience with the tires from the time you put them on until replacing them. I'm considering them, but I'm so tired of people giving tires bad reviews when they NEVER had them on their cars. I know they are cheap, but Federal has redefined many of their tires included the Super Steel Series and the ones I want to possibly get are now Z-Rated and have a better load index than the older tires. Anyway, if you can give me your review of the tire that would be greatly appreciated!

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