Conversation Between Thorzdad and Donnie
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. Donnie
    02-17-2014 10:35 PM
    I was reading about the 400,000 miles plus that you have on your car which like everyone was saying is amazing. I don't remember reading anywhere if you have ever had to change the water pump on your car or your son's car. I have a 2000 Maxima and I'm having coolant leaking from somewhere but I haven't figured out where it's coming out. It seems to leak after it has set over night and all the next day. I can drive it somewhere and park it for 30-60 minutes and I don't see any leaks. It's like it leaks after the pressure has gone down but no leaks while the pressure is there. It seems like it should be the other way around.

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