Conversation Between japmaxSE and InfiniwhiptinitiII
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. japmaxSE
    06-25-2010 03:03 PM
    Nah it's not going in a max lol
    I'm gonna use a 350Z or G35 ..But yea I saw pics of that one guy with an RB in a 4thgen but never seen it ran before.
  2. InfiniwhiptinitiII
    06-25-2010 01:30 PM
    are you uh... dropping an ls1 in a maxima? i remember a long time ago some guy said h had a third gen with a 429 cobrajet. you guys should race. and right now someones putting another rb26dett in a max, and there are a few out there with the 2gjztt whatever it is supra motor....

    just pm me a quick answer id love it to be a yes


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