Conversation Between tlrmax and MAXclipse
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. MAXclipse
    03-06-2009 03:08 PM
    Hey dude, just seen your post in the "Show you trunk" thread. I'm wanting pretty much what you have and have a few questions. I'm running Polk/MOMO 6500 MMC components as well and was wondering what you did with the tweeters as far as amplification is concerened. To me, they seem decent running off the deck (35w), but my h/u has 3 preouts so was considering adding components to the rear doors and running (potentially) 4 tweeters off a small amp, and let the h/u control the cutoff.

    How do the IB (infinite baffle) subs sound? I'm not looking to flex my windshield or anything, but I'm definitely missing a low range...


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