Conversation Between sicivic89 and brooksohio
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. sicivic89
    01-28-2011 09:08 AM
    Yes, $25 and your address will cover it.
  2. sicivic89
    01-26-2011 08:02 AM
    I sure do have some tie downs left. My paypal is And yes, they do fit the 07 Max's.
  3. brooksohio
    01-26-2011 01:37 AM
    i have an 07 max se, do you have any battery tie downs left to fit? if so, let me know your email and i can paypal you $25 if that is the cost. these are really very good looking. great job. ...tom brooks/toledo, oh.

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