Conversation Between fishpony and arcueda
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. arcueda
    05-18-2010 07:27 AM
    "Originally Posted by fishpony
    I personally wouldn't bother, instead of buying just a caliper now you'd have to buy 2x calipers, 2x rotors, 2x pads. I don't think it would be worth it for the rears. Now if it were the front i would get 6th gen calipers, that is if they will clear your 17's.

    If you really want to spend the money then just get a new caliper in the rear and upgrade the fronts.

    Another thing if you were to just upgrade the rears it would probably throw off the brake bias and you wouldn't want the rear to have more stopping power."

    thanks, thats exactally what i was lookin for. makes sense.

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