Conversation Between chuckd2k and hardincah
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. chuckd2k
    04-23-2009 01:13 PM
    One big reason it that a gal. of the fuel for it costs about $27, also it's too much trouble to keep the motor on that truck toned. Besides, I have another truck I that will keep as a nitro truck.
  2. hardincah
    04-23-2009 06:37 AM
    thats cool why the conversion though?
  3. chuckd2k
    04-23-2009 05:56 AM
    I would have brought it to the meet, but I'm converting it from gas to electric.
  4. hardincah
    04-22-2009 01:59 PM
    like the profile pic!!

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