Conversation Between DAVEB and condor9382
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. condor9382
    02-17-2014 06:38 PM
    Hey Dave!

    This is Pete Downhour from Ohio! I have the 2001 SE 5spd Maxima and gained valuable advice and many purchases from you over the years (2002 facia, 2001 anniversary edition tranny, etc). I'm sorry that you are no longer with Courtesy, but hope other opportunities are treating you better.

    My IAC shorted out and fried my ECU about 2 weeks ago. I wanted to reach out to you as a last resort to see if you have any advice on what I should do to repair this (or if it's worth it). My maxima is running great (despite some rear fender rust) and just turn 200,000 miles last month. Is there any other way to repair or replace the ECU without purchasing a brand new system??

    Thank you in advance for ANY advice you might share with me. You are such a value to the Nissan/Infinity community and I am most grateful for your thoughts.


    Pete Downhour

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