Conversation Between Jess and blkAEmax82
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
  1. Jess
    12-18-2008 01:06 AM
    Thank you! I hope you and your family have a great Xmas too
  2. blkAEmax82
    12-18-2008 12:47 AM
    I hope you have a good Xmas. I know my little ones will.
  3. Jess
    12-17-2008 10:18 PM
    Great to hear that you are doing well! I'm ready for Xmas too haha!
  4. blkAEmax82
    12-17-2008 09:41 PM
    I've been good. My girls are getting bigger and ready for Xmas..
  5. Jess
    12-17-2008 01:15 PM
    Heyy I'm still around, but posting mostly in the South East forum lol. How ya been!?
  6. blkAEmax82
    12-17-2008 09:10 AM
    Hey Jess,

    How you been? I haven't seen you post in the 5th gen forum in awhile.

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