Conversation Between jake0978 and vernk
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. vernk
    07-22-2015 05:56 PM
    Yea I got to do some traveling again... I don't have any other pixs other then what I have posted, I know I should put some in here, might work on that when I have some time and my hard drives handy or take some more. You might want to stay away from the 85/86 engine since it will be a A-B block and your 87 will have a W block. I need to get to the junk yard and get the headlight taken care of but part cars are getting rare around here.
  2. jake0978
    07-22-2015 04:47 PM
    You seem to get around. I was looking for a pic of your car. I know where there is a 85/86 Maxima 105,000 sitting in a Johnson junkyard Mandan, ND. If they haven't crushed it yet. Headlights good but won't fit my 87. Keeping it in the back of my mind for motor, should I ever need one. I wish I had grabbed the front window switch plates, they were pristine. The whole car was pretty nice yet. Only junkyard car I've seen that might be nicer than mine.

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