Conversation Between seesole and GoodFella218
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. GoodFella218
    05-13-2012 07:33 PM
    Really clean looking car man, I am going for pretty much the same set up as you as far as the headlights, foglights, and Zaino products. Can't wait to get all the products in. Get my car back tomorrow, had to get some body work done since an 83 year old lady in a Subaru outback cut a corner to sharp and hit my car head one I HATE SUBARUS!!! Haven't had my car in 2 weeks but had the body shop install the headlights, foglights, interior leds, debadge the car and take out all the swirls I can't wait..Ill post pics when i get it back

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