Conversation Between NewYorkRican and erty67
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. NewYorkRican
    03-25-2011 11:59 AM
    Hay erty67 got my stickers today. Thanks bro already put them on. In the near future, I will be needing one more. Will pm you later.
  2. erty67
    03-23-2011 05:39 PM
    sorry, I don't come on here as often as I used to but I have sent all orders out. You should have them very soon.
  3. NewYorkRican
    03-23-2011 03:52 PM
    I hope you still doing these stickers. Have not herd a word from you. Please contact me with when you going to sent these stickers.
  4. NewYorkRican
    03-20-2011 02:34 PM
    I've have paid you to thru paypal for two decals. If any problems Email me at

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