Conversation Between cjanderson3 and dubemaxima
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. dubemaxima
    07-23-2014 06:11 PM

    its Jason- sent you a PM on the 00VI

    sorry for jumping the gun and not reading the entire post before sending you the msg about the 00VI.

    Im still interested, but realized its not the full setup...however, I may be in luck...just saw this:

    I obviously have to do my research, but super busy at work....not sure if there is common boiler plate setup that most use for the 00VI w/o mods into 4th gens..just know wont get the time to properly research and procure the parts needed before the summer is out....was hoping to find a full kit hanging around, but appears to be rare....appreciate any advice...


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