Conversation Between Ghozt and JIGNUT
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. Ghozt
    02-19-2012 02:37 AM
    i dont have LED fog lights, i think you mean my LED DRL strips. they're from V-LEDs. I had to cut an opening in the bumper cover as well as trim the DRL down on the sides and re-seal with silicone.
    02-18-2012 08:28 PM
    were the LED fog lights also custom made or did you buy them online? if not, where did you find them? if so, what website did you get them from?
  3. Ghozt
    02-18-2012 06:33 PM
    yeah those should look pretty good, nice and strong 5 spoke rims. the headlights were all custom made and custom installed personally no secrets just a lot of elbow grease.
    02-17-2012 11:27 PM
    Hey man! I'm new to this forum, but I've seen all your vids on youtube! i just was inspired by your maxima with the 370 rims and was wondering if 350 nismo edition rims would look good on a black maxima...i was thinking about it, but would like a 'professionals' opinion (you). Also share your secrets on how to do the red lights and LED fog lights!

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