Conversation Between mayur914 and MoncefA33
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. mayur914
    10-30-2011 08:21 PM
    Ohh and another thing is that when i get towards a dip i get like knocking noise, seems to be my control arm making that noise when i hit i dip especially when i make a turn on a corner or something. You know what that might be?
  2. MoncefA33
    10-30-2011 07:00 PM
    I've got my D2s setup on maximum stiff, and the spring is preloaded a little bit so it rests on the collars with no gap (when the car is jacked up). I have a little bounce, very rarely due to the type of damper D2 uses.
  3. mayur914
    10-29-2011 10:37 PM
    Hey I see you have D2's on your ride. So do i, but it seems that i have some trouble in terms of bounce. I paid a guy to actually redo my coilovers because they were pretty bouncy the first time I installed them. And not the car feels unstable when im driving especially with the road I have here in Cali!! How do you have your's setup?
  4. mayur914
    02-27-2011 06:46 PM
    hey any work on final price?
  5. mayur914
    02-25-2011 12:57 PM
    hey are you able to sell the 17" rims for 400?

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