Conversation Between mayur914 and D I R T Y I 3 0
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
  1. mayur914
    01-13-2013 02:06 PM
    No I don't have pics of the projectors alone they are mounted to the cefiro reflectors
  2. D I R T Y I 3 0
    01-13-2013 10:36 AM
    Depends, do you have pics?
  3. mayur914
    01-13-2013 09:50 AM
    well if you want I can give you my projectors if you want unless you want to get a new set instead? I thought I sold em but the guy thought they were "ghetto rigged" and he returned it. I put like aluminum tape over the projectors and there was some glue in the back of the headlights wierd stuff.
  4. D I R T Y I 3 0
    01-12-2013 08:23 PM
    bah, I thought you were selling it whole. Just window shopping anyway, story of my life...

    Actually Im feeling a retro in the future, I saw the OEM lights, nonfluted, needed for retros at a junkyard just couldn't find projectors. As long as its cheap, Im gunna do it - my desi mindset
  5. mayur914
    01-12-2013 07:59 PM
    Nope didn't sell the first set yet. I have it open in the room. selling it for parts for 100. But I need to redo my current retros again
  6. D I R T Y I 3 0
    01-12-2013 10:52 AM
    Oh word, any power mods since? Wow wouldn't think you'd get cold weather on the west, that's all east coast. Did you ever sel your first set of retros?
  7. mayur914
    01-12-2013 08:01 AM
    Ohh it's been good. Today though.. freakin frozen in the west coast. I couldn't even roll down my windows today. But otherwise it is pretty good. I need to redo my lights again cuz of the way I have them mounted.
  8. D I R T Y I 3 0
    01-12-2013 07:29 AM
    It's been awhile bro, how's your I30 been?
  9. D I R T Y I 3 0
    01-09-2012 02:55 AM
    Word, sounds like it works then. Go for it
  10. mayur914
    01-09-2012 12:42 AM
    Well I am trying to save on gas when im going to school and in the summer i can use the 17s.

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