Conversation Between Blassmasta and bigk201
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. bigk201
    06-12-2016 05:24 PM
    I noticed a post that you made where you complained about the sub-woofer rattling the interior. Here is the fix:

    1. Remove the cloth screen on the face of the speaker. It stretches over time, and the if the music has the right frequency the screen will vibrate.

    2. If you pull the decorative cover off of the sub you will notice an air gap between the soft panel & the metal deck. This gap is the #1 reason why your sub is making noise. What happens is that some sound waves will travel horizontally in the space between the soft panel and the metal deck, and so the entire soft panel will start doing a dance with the music. The fix is really is easy. Just stuff some dense material between the soft panel and the metal deck all the way around the speaker. By putting material in that space the sound waves will not be able to travel between the panel and the deck.

    3. I also reinforced the underneath side of the metal deck with wood bracing, but I don't think it was really necessary.

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