Conversation Between teggy94 and dkillahster
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. dkillahster
    04-16-2010 10:59 PM
    yeah.. The bumper fit exactly the same. a little off from the grill beacuse of the headlights i have but yeah. fits like a charm.
  2. teggy94
    04-16-2010 08:39 PM
    so you just got the bumper and everything fit to it right? because i wanting to get the 97 bumper
  3. dkillahster
    04-14-2010 10:48 AM
    about the front bumper reinforcement. No i aint have to change anything. just slap it on, bolt that joker down and ride out. The only problem is. I actually grew to hate the look of the bumper and bought a 97 front end, and a stillen lip. and did the 96-97 conversion.
  4. teggy94
    04-10-2010 08:53 PM
    hey when u order ur front bumper did u have to change any thing else like the reinformant bar and the energy absorber

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