Conversation Between 96MaXiclean and Danwito
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. Danwito
    11-17-2010 12:58 PM
    If you want a custom pic in the signature, then I would believe so.
  2. 96MaXiclean
    11-13-2010 04:22 PM
    I forgot to update some pics. I traded these wheels and $150 for 2010 Maxima wheels. Do you need photoshop to make a custom pic. for your car in your comment/reply's on here?
  3. Danwito
    10-12-2010 04:56 PM
    ok thanx man and what you doing with the wheels you got now
  4. 96MaXiclean
    10-11-2010 02:07 PM
    I got it off ebay lol... its like 26.99... search trunk lip or something like that. I took it off though, im just about to pick up a stock spoiler. Also getting 2010 stock max wheels this week, ill put some picks up later this week.

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