Conversation Between CraigSE and slyj82
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. slyj82
    04-07-2010 03:31 PM
    I am looking to make my car a little faster, boost hp, and maybe even help mpg if possible ha. I am not a car expert at all but have a friend who is, and he would help do the mods to save some cash. But everyone on here seems to say get a y pipe? Also get cat back exhaust, with an intake. Also possible get obx headers. Those are the things im seeing around here, do u know if they're any good? but just curious if my struts and springs are already pretty good, why get them? But i am mainly lookin for performance now, then style later. thanks for the help man.
  2. CraigSE
    04-06-2010 12:31 PM
    Hey man, as for bang for buck first mods.. It really depends on what you're looking to get with your car. I like a blend of looks and performance, without making the car undriveable as a DD. High on my priority list would be new struts and springs, and maybe an intake. Basic lip kit looks good with a drop, rims or not. Of course that's all subjective

    Depending on past maintenance some of the best stuff to do is just catchup on maintenance.

    So far my favorite tune up duties have been a MAF cleaning, and new spark plugs. Pulls nice and strong now
  3. slyj82
    04-05-2010 10:26 PM
    Hey man, I got a 03 se 6spd, and wanted to see if you know the best bang for your buck first mods. I am looking to do a couple this summer, so i was just looking for some ideas, thanks for your help!

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