Conversation Between joker07x and UniqueMax
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  1. UniqueMax
    07-21-2010 07:10 PM
    i see u wanna pimp ur max..since uts 07 u dont have yo go through all tha hassle to change all the center console like i did.just a double din gps and u can either throw a box in the trunk,or make sumthin like this
    i had to take off the back window for this cuz the subs were waayy too big..but u can do it without taking off the back windshield...i had 3 12" before(smaller in depth of course)and i didnt have to take off the window.heres a pic of how i did it first
    idk ur skill level..but if u choose any of these u have to get rid of ur stock subs and amp from the rear deck and cut all the metal from the deck.Get a mdf board cut it exactly the same as oem deck cover in in addition to sub holes.Cover it up with leather or whatever u want and bolt it there.Next thing is building a box and mount it from the trunk thats a tough work but its worth it..As far as the outside,light smoke the headlights,get some carbon fiber vinyl from and cover up the grille will look like real carbon fiber and unique.Get some black LED tail lights and a roof wong,i guess ur wheels r 18...if so get some 20 and slam will look BADASSS..
    Now u might like my suggestions and u might point is to give u some ideas.good luck

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